GLINC Differently About Giving in 2020

By / The GLINC Team
What is one thing you and your family are doing differently to celebrate the holidays this year?


Every year, we send holiday baskets to corporate clients as a way of thanking them for their trust in us and to show how much we appreciate their business. This year, with everyone working remotely, sharing a basket of goodies is no longer a viable or safe thing to do. In the spirit of giving this year, I have decided to write to all our clients to let them know that their basket of goodies and treats will serve a larger good and have greater impact. I have let them know that we will be donating in their name to Food Banks so that it can serve more people and those in greater need this holiday season.


This holiday season will be a little different for everyone, and while my ‘different’ is that my daughter doesn’t get to hug her Yia Yia on Christmas Day, I know that other people’s ‘different’ might be a little more difficult. So this year I’m donating my time to help wrap and deliver gifts to low incomes families hit hard by COVID. I’m volunteering with an organization called Holiday Helpers, based here in Toronto, that provides Christmas packages to families with young children who are living in low-income situations. If you too would like to help, volunteer spots are still open, and donations are still accepted! Click here for more information:


The holidays have always been a special time for my family and I. To us, it’s a reminder of how fortunate we are to spend time with each other creating new memories, and sharing food, presents and laughter. Traditionally, the adults in my family would exchange presents using a Secret Santa approach, but this year, we reconsidered how we can still share in the spirit of giving, considering that many families may not be able to share gifts like they have done in the past. We decided that we would help a local family in-need to get presents for their children and to help pay for groceries – so despite this new normal – they too can enjoy the holidays with their loved ones. 

It gives me great pleasure to highlight a local artisan and long-time friend. Enza owns and operates the Painted Flour Cookies and works her confectionary magic to conjure up delicious creations that are truly one-of-a kind, for any special occasions –  or just because you feel like it.


Holidays have been a little different for me and my family ever since I’ve moved to Canada in 2019. They were days to look forward to, when we could finally reunite and close the 6705 km that separates us. In 2020, even though the pandemic disrupted our plans, we did not give up and were still able to find a way to celebrate together. On Danforth Avenue, there is a small shop owned by a woman that immigrated to Canada in 2015 to introduce North America to a Brazilian style chocolate, the Brigadeiro. These chocolate treats in Brazil are associated with the happy moments families share together when they gather for a celebration. My dad found the online shop of Mary’s Brigadeiro last Easter, when he was searching for some chocolate eggs to send me (a staple in the Italian Easter tradition). Ever since, during major holidays he gets me a special treat from this shop to enjoy during our virtual lunch parties, with the promise that one day we will visit the store together. If you’d like to order from this shop, the website is:


If 2020 has taught me anything, it’s the importance of spending time with the ones you love. Although we were forced to spend time physically apart this year, I feel that I have spent more time talking with friends and family, much more so than past years; and most of that time has been spent reminiscing about some of our favourite memories. Because of this, I thought it was the perfect year to give both my immediate and extended family a gift that is sure to create more memories – family photo shoots. In my experience, a photo shoot is a fun bonding experience for everyone to dress up and act a little silly. This is something we’re hoping to schedule for next summer when (fingers crossed) we can actually get together in person.


Aside from donating money and canned goods to a local food bank in our area, one way my family typically celebrates Christmas is by exchanging gifts with family friends. However, this year, upon further reflection, we realized there wasn’t anything material we felt we needed. Anything that was a necessity had already been purchased throughout the year and anything else we might end up buying for our friends was just excess. So, instead of buying each other gifts, we have decided to bake cookies! My family is made up of foodies who love trying and making new sweet treats. We figured that baking homemade cookies for our friends would be a great way to spend time together and show our appreciation for them through food. And this year, since most people are not travelling home for the holidays, my boyfriend, who would have travelled home to Colombia, will be joining my family and I for an extra special celebration!


2020 has been a year with a lot of tough lessons we must learn from. I realized how many blessings I have, and how little I actually need to be blissful and happy. So, this year instead of buying things for my family or myself, I’ve accepted a friend’s invitation to serve as a volunteer for one night to bring a few (sanitized) toys and board games to a kids specialized hospital in the city of Villahermosa, México, where I currently reside. I’d like to do this as a way of giving back to the universe for all the good, and even bad things that have been sent my way and that have made me who I am. This will definitely be a different experience for me compared to other years, but I’m hoping to bring some hope and happiness to those who need it the most.

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